After years of Trump & the Republicans espousing violence against their political foes, it's hardly a surprise that it should finally come for them too. You can only outswim the shark so long.
After years of Trump & the Republicans espousing violence against their political foes, it's hardly a surprise that it should finally come for them too. You can only outswim the shark so long.
It’s more likely that rhetoric like that and the Trump is a dictator rhetoric is more culpable. I say that as a non American.
The US is a strange place. Other countries have vast differences between parties, there’s a fig leaf between the democrats and the republicans but utter hatred.
That’s an argument that needs to be fleshed out a bit. However other countries have socialists and centrists, the far right, nationalists and greens contending for power and the rhetoric is genteel in comparison.
abortion, support of unions, minimum wage, medicare, social security, immigration policy including asylum, support for Ukraine (although the GOP is split), support for NATO (although the GOP is split), religious observance in public schools, religion in government, campaign finance reform, presidential immunity, climate change, voting rights for those who have completed their prison sentence after commission of a felony, etc.
And the animosity isn't a situation where both sides are equally culpable. Republicans have been building up an animosity towards Democrats/liberals for decades, stoked by Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich and others. About 15-20 years ago, a coworker told me that she thought all Democrats should be shot. Even if you read these comments, I think you'll find that the rhetoric by conservatives is more over the top than rhetoric by those on the left.
Democrats/liberals are legitimately concerned about Trump. He's not a normal candidate. He is a serial liar. He incited a violent uprising by a mob which surged into the nation's capital. It's just kind of insane to both-sides this.
Then again, look at the rhetoric in England on behalf of the Tories. I think it's kind of similar to the GOP and their allies in the news media (Sinclair Media, right wing radio, WSJ, and Rupert Murdoch's other news outlets).
And I think that the right wing news media in both countries, England and the U.S., are responsible for the animosity. Fox News stokes fear and anger in their viewers. Fear and anger are like drugs, and so those people keep tuning back in for more of the same.
> abortion, support of unions, minimum wage, medicare, social security, immigration policy including asylum, support for Ukraine (although the GOP is split), support for NATO (although the GOP is split), religious observance in public schools, religion in government, campaign finance reform, presidential immunity, climate change, voting rights for those who have completed their prison sentence after commission of a felony, etc.
The republicans are generally the party of war - although there is some disquiet amongst their voters re Ukraine, and the democrats have taken that role.
Culture war issues aside the US in reality runs the same foreign policy from administration to administration. And even with regards to the culture war and even economic differences like the minimum wage States can largely do their own thing. The US runs about the same from administration to administration.
Also Britain’s rhetoric is much cooler than the US, outside a few Internet hot heads nobody calls the Tories fascist or Labour communists - although the relatively centrist Labour are probably about where Bernie Sanders is.
> Also Britain’s rhetoric is much cooler than the US
I saw the front pages of some British newspapers before the election which were trying to scare people about labour taking over. I can't find them now, but it seemed rather over the top to me.
> The US runs about the same from administration to administration.
I agree with you that foreign policy is pretty similar between the two parties.
Regarding domestic policy, the filibuster in the Senate mostly prevents Congress from enacting major changes. So, most of the opportunity for substantial change between administrations occurs via executive orders. The power of executive orders is somewhat limited.
In order for major change to take place, the Democratic Party needs 60 seats in the U.S. Senate. For an example of what that might look like, look at California, where Democrats have a super-majority in the state legislature.
> But a nationwide review conducted by ABC News has identified at least 54 criminal cases where Trump was invoked in direct connection with violent acts, threats of violence or allegations of assault.
> ABC News could not find a single criminal case filed in federal or state court where an act of violence or threat was made in the name of President Barack Obama or President George W. Bush.
True. Sometimes you lose control of your own monster. I'm not sure yet this wasn't an inside job, but if it wasn't...losing control of your own rhetoric to one of your own followers no less is poetic.
Probably better to avoid going all conspiracy theory at this juncture. Word is leaking that he was a bullied kid, so it's not unlikely that he was just a troubled individual that wanted to become famous and thought a good way to do that was by killing someone really famous.
Every time someone called our fears a conspiracy theory, they turned out to be spot on. Hitler blew up his own headquarters and called it terrorism so people would feel sorry for him. Sorry, everything this man says or does is sus.
Citing an almost deranged opinion piece by a lefty outlet using tea leaves and mind reading does not bolster your case. We have laws, and charging authorities. No charge, no case.
Guessing that anything that doesn't comport with your preconceived notions is a 'deranged opinion piece.' Axios is, by and large, a center-of-the-road news outlet, an assessment with which I'm sure you disagree. So feel free to retreat back into your little MAGA bubble & live happily.
I'm nonpartisan, and my argument stands. What you said is simply not true. BTW you might want to formulate your own ideas, instead of regurgitating someone else's opinion.
I too am nonpartisan, generally center-right, now an I, used to be an R before the party got captured by the crazies. Have disdain for both the far-left & the Trumpist right, but think the right is more dangerous. And BTW, I do have my own ideas, formulated through 74 years of life experiences. Get my news from multiple sources - center, lean left, & lean right, don't pay much heed to 'opinion' pieces. And yes, you were slightly correct about Axios, they are slightly 'lean left,' but not by much (
Not true, and you can cite nothing I've said to support this. All of you are so partisan, so hate-filled, so blinded by spoon-fed rhetoric that neutrality is the same as support.
Do you remember the time Don Jr jested on Twitter that his Halloween costume was going to be underwear and a hammer? I can explain the joke if you like.
You may not have noticed that there are Trump quotes in that "deranged opinion piece". Completely separate from whether you approve of Axios, you could verify whether or not you agree that those quotes by Trump promote violence.
What's the difference between guilty and complicit? None. You're trying to parse and word-play your way to some ridiculous justification. Emphasis on ridiculous.
Make me laugh - at war with the world. Case in point - Individual running for gov in NC states - there’s some people who do need ti be killed - to a group of parishioners. Now, this person i
Is not arrested, indeed is not charged with any crime whatsoever . And, when months down the road , a youth - usually white male- proceeds to act on his wirds, bc at 20 he’s impressionable - the person running for gov - will never be charged . His hands are clean - these are difficult cases to try after all - when one isn’t actually holding the gun.
You would do well do read up on how/why people are being radicalized in this country - bc you e got some good blinders on. The violence is not equal on both sides - go look at the stats , then read up as to why it’s occurring . This ain’t rocket science .
After years of Trump & the Republicans espousing violence against their political foes, it's hardly a surprise that it should finally come for them too. You can only outswim the shark so long.
It’s more likely that rhetoric like that and the Trump is a dictator rhetoric is more culpable. I say that as a non American.
The US is a strange place. Other countries have vast differences between parties, there’s a fig leaf between the democrats and the republicans but utter hatred.
"there’s a fig leaf between the democrats and the republicans but utter hatred"
There's nothing in that sentence which bears any relationship to reality in the United States.
That’s an argument that needs to be fleshed out a bit. However other countries have socialists and centrists, the far right, nationalists and greens contending for power and the rhetoric is genteel in comparison.
Democrats and Republicans differ on:
abortion, support of unions, minimum wage, medicare, social security, immigration policy including asylum, support for Ukraine (although the GOP is split), support for NATO (although the GOP is split), religious observance in public schools, religion in government, campaign finance reform, presidential immunity, climate change, voting rights for those who have completed their prison sentence after commission of a felony, etc.
And the animosity isn't a situation where both sides are equally culpable. Republicans have been building up an animosity towards Democrats/liberals for decades, stoked by Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich and others. About 15-20 years ago, a coworker told me that she thought all Democrats should be shot. Even if you read these comments, I think you'll find that the rhetoric by conservatives is more over the top than rhetoric by those on the left.
Democrats/liberals are legitimately concerned about Trump. He's not a normal candidate. He is a serial liar. He incited a violent uprising by a mob which surged into the nation's capital. It's just kind of insane to both-sides this.
Then again, look at the rhetoric in England on behalf of the Tories. I think it's kind of similar to the GOP and their allies in the news media (Sinclair Media, right wing radio, WSJ, and Rupert Murdoch's other news outlets).
And I think that the right wing news media in both countries, England and the U.S., are responsible for the animosity. Fox News stokes fear and anger in their viewers. Fear and anger are like drugs, and so those people keep tuning back in for more of the same.
Outfoxed is a good documentary about how Fox News stokes fear and anger.
> abortion, support of unions, minimum wage, medicare, social security, immigration policy including asylum, support for Ukraine (although the GOP is split), support for NATO (although the GOP is split), religious observance in public schools, religion in government, campaign finance reform, presidential immunity, climate change, voting rights for those who have completed their prison sentence after commission of a felony, etc.
The republicans are generally the party of war - although there is some disquiet amongst their voters re Ukraine, and the democrats have taken that role.
Culture war issues aside the US in reality runs the same foreign policy from administration to administration. And even with regards to the culture war and even economic differences like the minimum wage States can largely do their own thing. The US runs about the same from administration to administration.
Also Britain’s rhetoric is much cooler than the US, outside a few Internet hot heads nobody calls the Tories fascist or Labour communists - although the relatively centrist Labour are probably about where Bernie Sanders is.
> Also Britain’s rhetoric is much cooler than the US
I saw the front pages of some British newspapers before the election which were trying to scare people about labour taking over. I can't find them now, but it seemed rather over the top to me.
> The US runs about the same from administration to administration.
I agree with you that foreign policy is pretty similar between the two parties.
Regarding domestic policy, the filibuster in the Senate mostly prevents Congress from enacting major changes. So, most of the opportunity for substantial change between administrations occurs via executive orders. The power of executive orders is somewhat limited.
In order for major change to take place, the Democratic Party needs 60 seats in the U.S. Senate. For an example of what that might look like, look at California, where Democrats have a super-majority in the state legislature.
This article is a bit old, but I don't think that detracts from the point.
> But a nationwide review conducted by ABC News has identified at least 54 criminal cases where Trump was invoked in direct connection with violent acts, threats of violence or allegations of assault.
> ABC News could not find a single criminal case filed in federal or state court where an act of violence or threat was made in the name of President Barack Obama or President George W. Bush.
True. Sometimes you lose control of your own monster. I'm not sure yet this wasn't an inside job, but if it wasn't...losing control of your own rhetoric to one of your own followers no less is poetic.
Probably better to avoid going all conspiracy theory at this juncture. Word is leaking that he was a bullied kid, so it's not unlikely that he was just a troubled individual that wanted to become famous and thought a good way to do that was by killing someone really famous.
Every time someone called our fears a conspiracy theory, they turned out to be spot on. Hitler blew up his own headquarters and called it terrorism so people would feel sorry for him. Sorry, everything this man says or does is sus.
Agreed and Putin bombed those apartments and staged his own assassination. But I just don’t think they’d pick this kid
1) Trump isn’t going to agree to be shot at to ensure he’s going to win an election that he’s probably going to win anyway.
2) why would this kid be chosen to shoot the Trump’s ear. Isn’t that a much harder shot than hitting his big orange head?
3) why are Americans so conspiratorial about everything. A few inches to the left and with a dead Trump it would be the other side claiming conspiracy
All he said was not to jump to conclusions… my god the amygdala’s are enflamed XD
So, it’s not the bad guns, it’s the bad mentally Ill? Geez, so confusing
He just said not to jump to conclusions… geez
This is simply not true. Anyone "espousing violence" is committing a crime. "Trump & the Republicans" have never been charged with anything like this.
Way to commit willful ignorance.
Citing an almost deranged opinion piece by a lefty outlet using tea leaves and mind reading does not bolster your case. We have laws, and charging authorities. No charge, no case.
If you're calling Axios of all places "a lefty outlet" you are telling on yourself way more than you think.
It's left.
The site you posted shows that they are slightly left of center.
Guessing that anything that doesn't comport with your preconceived notions is a 'deranged opinion piece.' Axios is, by and large, a center-of-the-road news outlet, an assessment with which I'm sure you disagree. So feel free to retreat back into your little MAGA bubble & live happily.
I'm nonpartisan, and my argument stands. What you said is simply not true. BTW you might want to formulate your own ideas, instead of regurgitating someone else's opinion.
I too am nonpartisan, generally center-right, now an I, used to be an R before the party got captured by the crazies. Have disdain for both the far-left & the Trumpist right, but think the right is more dangerous. And BTW, I do have my own ideas, formulated through 74 years of life experiences. Get my news from multiple sources - center, lean left, & lean right, don't pay much heed to 'opinion' pieces. And yes, you were slightly correct about Axios, they are slightly 'lean left,' but not by much (
Let me assure you, Mr Donnelly is not a nonpartisan.
Somehow, that doesn't surprise me. He did seem rather vociferous in his defense of the Trumpist faction.
Not true, and you can cite nothing I've said to support this. All of you are so partisan, so hate-filled, so blinded by spoon-fed rhetoric that neutrality is the same as support.
"I'm not the partisan, you're the partisan!!"
what clued you in?
Do you remember the time Don Jr jested on Twitter that his Halloween costume was going to be underwear and a hammer? I can explain the joke if you like.
You may not have noticed that there are Trump quotes in that "deranged opinion piece". Completely separate from whether you approve of Axios, you could verify whether or not you agree that those quotes by Trump promote violence.
Being guilty of and complicit in is a lot diff than charging - let’s call a spade a spade .
What's the difference between guilty and complicit? None. You're trying to parse and word-play your way to some ridiculous justification. Emphasis on ridiculous.
Make me laugh - at war with the world. Case in point - Individual running for gov in NC states - there’s some people who do need ti be killed - to a group of parishioners. Now, this person i
Is not arrested, indeed is not charged with any crime whatsoever . And, when months down the road , a youth - usually white male- proceeds to act on his wirds, bc at 20 he’s impressionable - the person running for gov - will never be charged . His hands are clean - these are difficult cases to try after all - when one isn’t actually holding the gun.
You would do well do read up on how/why people are being radicalized in this country - bc you e got some good blinders on. The violence is not equal on both sides - go look at the stats , then read up as to why it’s occurring . This ain’t rocket science .