This is one of the few sensible bits of analysis of what is ultimately a relatively trival incident that I've read. Keep it up!

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I saw those two goals as reconcilable too, Dan. I wonder what language they were thinking in?

I think this is a case of exposing a tiny slice of a world we (the public) know very little about, and then almost no one then knows how to talk about it either.

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Oh, sure. It was an accident. LOL

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Watching the video it’s pretty clear that half the missiles we fired at it missed. Which, given the target and range, may not be that surprising but I fully expect Heavy Bloviation about it on Meet the Press.

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I saw no misses. Just one of the jets passing the sinking balloon with its contrail spewing.

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Yeah, on a small iPad screen they looked the same, had to see it on the morning news to differentiate between the missile trail and the aircraft.

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Thanks for the analysis. China already has so many backdoors in our cell phones through intel and other methods, the balloons are just another layer of craziness. Plus our govt is spying on us anyway, no?

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Yes, it would...about a LOT of things. But we can't. We just CAN'T.

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I always appreciate your clear eyed takes

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My take is that Chinese didn’t think that it would be a big deal given they had done it three times before when Trump was president and one time previously under the current administration. Hopefully, no one will do anything to escalate the situation and we can get back to the regular scheduled programming.

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Looking at the Ukraine situation, I doubt anyone is China is advocating invading Taiwan.

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#4 Quick & hot take had me laughing. I agree!

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I just found you. I’ll be back. Sharing.

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Thank you for the clear-eyed common sense of this.

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