Good morning, America.

This is the world we live in now.

We can change it November 5.

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Please do Americans of voting age. Please do!

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“The difference between Trump and the innocent residents of Springfield, Ohio, is that Trump has the protection of the United States Secret Service. Trump’s targets of political violence possess far fewer defenses. And make no mistake: Trump and Vance’s willingness to lie, deceive, and stigmatize minorities is behind the threats of violence affecting Springfield, Ohio this week.”

All true and very prescient, but the real difference and even more disturbing is Trump and Vance’s media ecosystem that continually condones and justifies Trump’s word and deeds, as well as all the spineless and duplicitous scoundrels; I mean republican politicians, who continue offering cover and support for Trump, Vance and all of the heinous people who are part of Trump’s campaign, or inhabit his orbit. IMHO!….:)

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tRump was even suggesting that he'd bring his race- baiting "rallies" to Springfield, but after this weekend's kerfuffle at his golf course, plans well may have altered.

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As Trump has been on the bare periphery of the east coast news throughout my 70 years, it was ALWAYS understood that he was a bloviating, tacky, lying, self-serving fabulist. He was an easily ignorable joke. He became virulently more disgusting and dangerous when he decided to run for president and those American people who knew very little about him and his history (or anything about US history in general) decided that he was some sort of savior to ameliorate their racist, bigoted, fears.

But Vance is another vile story altogether, an educated man who knows better but is so entranced by power that he will do and say absolutely any provably false thing to achieve it. These are evil, stupid men, energizing other stupid men to violence, and yet the United States of America, the most powerful country in the world has absolutely no real legal mechanism for stopping their lies and illegal actions, other than voting them out. They have totally infiltrated and bastardized our national voting rights and may well steal this upcoming election. And, right on fucking time, Postmaster DeJoy is causing yet another election year diminishment of service by the US Postal Service to affect mail-in ballots.

Vote BLUE. All the way down the line, in order to take our country back, including the Supreme Court. Generously share the work of this and other righteous SubStack writers to everyone. Volunteer at the polls. Speak up to eliminate these anti-civilization monsters.

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PS. I got so wound up that I forgot to tell you, Mr. Drezner, how much I appreciate your work. Thank you, Sir!

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I'm not sure that they are deliberately undertaking terrorism by proxy, but to call what Trump and Vance are doing as merely 'dishonourable' is way, way too weak a term. I don't think 'irresponsible' fits the bill either. It's a terrible moral failure that has caused lots of damage to innocent people and may very well lead to truly dreadful behavior from Trump's all too numerous, unhinged followers.

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The Senate should censure Vance for his despicable lies about his own constituents.

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Yes they should but I have no confidence in the Republican Senators taking a stand for justice and decency.

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There are people and organizations that should be speaking up for the Haitian immigrants who are not doing so. In particular, the Jewish "establishment" should be speaking up loudly and clearly, because as Jews whose families came to the U.S. from Euope, we know we that the completely false story that Jews killed Christian children to use their blood to make matzo led to violence against Jews. I do not understand why organizations such as the Union for Reform Judaism (which has roots in Cincinnati, Ohio!) have not held press conferences and/or put out very strong statements.

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Biden: "There is no place for political violence in America"...yet another anodyne reference to the "This is not who we are" mythology. In MAGA world "political violence" IS the sine qua non to achieve domination, and if Hillbilly's smearing and callous trashing of the Haitian community in Springfield, OH results in a lynching or two, well, tough. Democrats still loathe to admit that GOP thuggery and embracing of blood-and-soil fascism is persuasive to half the voting population, and that somehow innate "goodness" will triumph in the end.

I fear, as in 2016, there will be enough of "them" to defeat "us", and that the Harris-Walz team haven't as yet found the proper antidote to tRumpism.

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Slight correction: Their hands are already soaked in blood.

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Loved the Remix! I fell outta my chair when I heard the Orange Menace said that. He lost outright, then and there!

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It's like they are doing everything possible to lose this election.

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And the fact they’re still in this race, and it’s a nail biter, speaks volumes about half of the American electorate….:)

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As I tell my students, “sticks and stones may break my bones, and words can make people throw stones at me”

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