As a Fletcher grad and business owner who traffics in international ’stuff’, I challenge anyone who loves this horror show to pick up and move their business HQ to Russia or China. Or send their children to study there. Or get healthcare in their facilities. No takers? Then shut up about it.

We have all enjoyed the benefits of Pax Americana and they don’t effing know what the alternative is. And they should be in deep mourning for the crumbling of the post WWII western liberal order and fear of the vacuum it will leave.

I am heartbroken.

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Senator Chris Murphy said, and I think he is right, an ambush. Beyond shameful.

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Former national security advisor Susan Rice said the same thing.

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I copied this from FB where I posted it to my family;

Zelonskyy played Trump and his flunkies like a superb Trout fisherman: give him a litttle lene, ghen a slight tug so the fish bites et voila. Now Trump looks weaker than Putin, a low-life deserting a friend in crisis, and leaves without having to sign away mineral rights to very, very valuable rare earth metals. Zelonskyy, also, united the rest of the Euroopeans together with Ukraine and against the United States.

Why is the Orange Demon known for "The Art of the Deal?"

I think Zelonskyy left the Oval with far mote than what with he entered.

Sorry for the typing I'm old nad nlind

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A television performance as bad as his time on The Apprentice.

Who can tell him "you're fired?"

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I wonder if anyone will explain to Brian Glenn that after he asked his “suit” question, he was decked by a former stand-up comedian well experienced in reducing a heckler to putz level in front of his date: “I will buy a costume, perhaps better than yours.” Brilliant evisceration!

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Thanks Dan, great post. This is so damn embarrassing for us.

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Regarding the comment about Trump saying he wants to protect NATO and Poland… what you might have missed was that Trump’s lips were moving which always means he is lying… one cannot trust anything he says and I think the Europeans have figured out while we haven’t apparently

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Despicable, deplorable, disgraceful, without a doubt. And still it always comes back to Putin.

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The only good I can see coming out of this is that it may help Europe realize that it can no longer depend on the United States. (See Drezner’s recent article titled “Will This Time Be Different for the EU?”)

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Kinda incredible that he wants to restore economic relations with Russia, and seemingly absolve them from tariffs comparatively to every other major trading bloc. I am becoming more convinced that he sees sticking with Putin as a necessity following the so-called Russia hoax. His response pairing himself and Putin was illuminating.

In his picture book he released, he goes on and on about his friendships with the leaders of the new Axis of Authoritarianism sans Iran. He really vibes with these guys. One of the most understated elements about the Ukraine War is that it is not just Ukraine and Russia anymore. North Korea has sent 15,000 troops to aid Russia.

Lastly, his rush to absurd peacemaking in the Middle East and Eastern Europe — peace built on a houses of cards — makes me firmly believe that the Nobel Peace Prize is established as his way towards a shining legacy while getting even with the Muslim-Kenyan Barack Obama who spied on him during the 2016 election (obv sarcasm just in case it doesn’t land).

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That and, as others have noted, Republican arch-conservatives see a lot of what they like in Russia. It is officially Christian (but with a single-digit attendance rate). It is white. And hates gay people. Of course the economy is also shit and organized crime is rampant but who cares when you can dunk on the gays.

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It is disgraceful

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And tRump's comment about how both he AND Vlad were "hurt" by the "Russia-Russia-Russia fake investigation". Maybe Putin should ask AG Bondi to "investigate the investigators" to - you know - "clear his name".

That report alleging KGB recruitment of tRump in 1987 looking more and more credible, off today's televised presser.

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It blows me away that Trump believes Putin suffered in any way from the investigation. How could it possible have hurt him?

Except, of course, that Trump believes Putin is his friend, and that he, Putin, suffers in sympathy when Trump suffers.

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One question: if Trump were to claim he doesn't want to blow up NATO, why should anyone in Europe believe him ? Plus he promised during the campaign that he would let Russia do whatever the hell it wants in Europe, so there's that. Europeans need to assume the worst.

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Rubio's body language is exactly what I looked like at 13 when my mother was embarrassing me. Rubio is quite clearly trying to sink into the couch and disappear.

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"In conclusion, as per usual during Trump 2.0, things got worse today." But let's not normalize it.

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well said and i agree.

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From all of this my biggest shock is the MTG has a boyfriend. Can you imagine finding her attractive and being her boyfriend?

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A part of me is daily dumbfounded by this awful administration, which is taking the world's most successful democracy and most powerful military machine and reducing it to an international laughingstock as quickly as they can.

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