Fourth point is the biggest for me. If you’re China, Russia, Iran, or whoever else, why spend any effort destabilizing us when we’ll do it ourselves willingly!

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That’s why they were relatively quiet during Trump’s first term. Let Trump do all the damage to the U.S. and its allies. Don’t do anything that might unite the West while Trump is trying to destroy it from within.

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Yes, and I like it. It sends a signal to the illegals that we aren’t fooling around.

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We can't deport long-term, law-abiding immigrants. It would create economic and social chaos. Not gonna happen, and if it does, I'll be far to the left of Dr. Drezner.

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Trump sees Latin America through the lens of colonial Manifest Destiny. He's threatened Mexico, Panama, and Colombia. President Sheinbaum's reaction to his "re-naming" of the Gulf of Mexico was to bring out the former minister of culture at a press conference, where he gave a disquisition on the history of maps of the New World. The president concluded his remarks by suggesting that the US might be renamed América Mexicana because it sounds so pretty.

Petro gave Trump a history lesson, calling out the US backing of the Chilean coup against Allende, enslavement of African people, the attachment to fossil fuels which endangers the world, literature of Latin America, renounced racist and fascist leaders of our country while stretching out his hand to the people of the US, before whom he says he would kneel, but not to Trump. It is a demonstration of all the culture and history that preceded the founding centuries later of the US. Importantly, the message is not for Trump, who is incapable of educating himself, it is for his own people, other Latin Americans and the people of the US.

Here's a link to Sheinbaum's press conference. She knows how to jerk his chain.


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If Trump did agree to no longer handcuff deportees, I'd say that he lost and Colombia won.

If that is what happened, Trump should be asked if the handcuffing was done at his direction or with his knowledge, and if not, will there be consequences for whoever ordered it for causing an international incident with an (checks notes) ally and for making the Trump Administration look bad.

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Former psych major here: any analysis of Trump's actions has to take into account the fact that he is psychologically disordered. He is both an extreme narcissist and a sociopath. His behavior is likely to be impulsive and without assessment of long-term risks. The fact that his policies may harm or even kill others does not concern him, except to the extent that it reduces his fans' adoration of him (narcissistic supply). Trump is literally unable to think in moral terms. Other people are merely objects to the sociopath.

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His actions applying "quotas" to ICE/CPB personnel to up sharply the "intake" of deportees - and prepared videos of arrests and shackled herding of people onto air transport - speaks to tRump's unquenchable desire for punishment, humiliation, and performative cruelty. This monster has surrendered to an out-of-control, damaged *id*, nourished by victims' pain, and without ANY moral or ethical restraint.

Can anyone stop this madness?

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We now have to somehow endure & try to navigate moronic ham-handed edicts about matters that should be a simple ongoing continuation of diplomatic relations with a critical alliance...

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Columbia did, in principle, have a means of retaliating if the US embargo persisted — suspend all cooperation with the DEA. And if that didn’t work, resume its former major export by encouraging farmers to grow more coca.

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Regarding the Colombian President’s remarks, the last time I was treated with dignity and respect on an airline, I was a teenager flying first class with my Dad who worked for TWA. I had to wear a coat and tie.

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Chinese involvement will lead Trump to revive the Monroe Doctrine in explicit fashion thus accelerating the balancing. It will trigger political instability and military involvement throughout the region, leading to... more refugees coming into the US, legally and otherwise. All of this because Trump wanted the political theatre of using military planes.

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Colombia accepted hundreds of deportation flights without incident during the Biden administration, right?

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Here's another perspective: Trump wanted to send migrants without negotiating with Colombia; e.g. treating Colombia as though it were not a sovereign country. Colombia said "no"; you have to negotiate with us. After the mutual threats, representatives from the two countries actually had a conversation ("negotiation"). Yes, Trump got what he wanted, but he wasn't able to get it unilaterally. In a way, Colombia also got what it wanted, since they forced a negotiation between two countries.

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I would argue that the WH’s statement is mostly untrue. All of this ignores previous deportations (perhaps best termed human trafficking from the U.S. to Colombia and other countries) that were accepted, and it also ignores that the key performative point in the latest was the use of military vs civilian planes, and the agreement excludes any further use of military planes. Let’s not give Trump and Homan (to give credit to the latter where due) any praise for a deal well done … it was a bully’s deal that was substantially rebuffed by the little guy.

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Where is the reporting that no military planes will be used?

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Much as I hate to say it, this was a highly rational reaction on Trump's part, given his ongoing plans. If he lets Colombia resist him on his signature initiative (even in a small way), then every country in the region is going to try and push back. Smacking Colombia down hard warns everyone else not to try anything.

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No, sometimes an asshole move is just an asshole move.

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