The news from China was very interesting. Hopefully the clipping of imperial-minded wings will come sooner than expected.

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France has 10% of foreign born population to US's 14%.

Spain has 17.3% foreign born. Germany has 18%. Canada has 23%.

The funny thing about Spain is that it is a little bit like being in parts of the US or Latin America. Very comfortable, a melange of people. If you were raised in such a mezcla, you will feel quite at home. They welcome any immigrants from Latin America.

The problem is, as per usual, in right-leaning people's heads. The way to beat the demographic issue is just to take people from the rest of the world where there is a higher population growth. This is a snap for the USA, Canada, and would be for Europe as well except for their higher levels of xenophobia.

The countries with cultures that cannot handle this will hurt. This may be China and Japan. Possibly some other, more insular cultures.

I don't know what percentage of Americans cannot deal with an influx of immigrants who become exactly like all the other Americans incredibly quickly but it's probably not much more than the foreign born population.

Racism is probably behind the anxiety because there really is nothing to get anxious about. There are enough people. So what is wrong with the people? Apparently, it is that they are not 'white.'

The definition of 'white' is constantly changing. Most of the people obsessed with being 'white' were not 'white' enough for Hitler or the British--the Poles, Armenians, Greeks, Albanians, Slavs, Irish, Italians, Spaniards, etc., etc.

Look at what Brexit did to the UK, mostly due to the fear of 'immigrants.' They squelched their economy to keep out Latvians and Poles (or whomever they were anxious about).

It's truly absurd.

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Good information

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The demographers had their moment of predictive disaster in 1946\8. Alfred Sauvy, a giant in the field was predicting the greying of the population way back then, and the rising birth rate over the previous couple of years was seen as the natural, and transitory, consequence of soldiers returning home. The Baby Boom put population aging off the agenda for 40 or 50 years. Ironically, then the Boomers got the blame for the problem.


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Adding to what hw said below - that the GOP only wants white population growth - the GOP's ongoing policy is to eliminate birth control and abortion as options for people to control their reproductive lives and their bodily health. They thus believe and hope for a bumper crop of white babies. (The non-white babies the GOP could not care less about, so the rise in maternal and infant. mortality among non-white people suits the GOP just fine.)

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Of course, the GOP politicians and tech bros screaming about the need for increased population growth in the US are interested solely in White expansion. Their xenophobic opposition to immigration is logically consistent.

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Not that I'm against immigration, being one myself, but what 'tech bros' do you know of who want immigration solely of 'white' people? I work in the tech industry, and this seems like a straw man.

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Not the employees, the self-styled 'maters of the universe: Musk and his sycophants, Peter Thiel, etc. Their xenophobic rhetoric has exploded since Musk bought Twitter.

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I'm 1000% sure that non-white immigrants work in Tesla. I know that. Peter Thiel is a lunatic, but every company he's invested in has plenty of non-white immigrants, so he clearly hasn't acted against his economic self interest.

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Has Dan been to a public school in a high-immigrant area, where the parents are undocumented workers and not Ph.Ds working at Boston unis? The culture shock is massive- yes you get the Dreamers who are star students but that is a small sliver of children who are being trained to join the non-white underclass.

And we wonder why Trump gets traction in suburban areas.

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So, regarding the China item: what is the evidence that gender equality is positively correlated with high fertility rates? That seems clearly and obviously false?

There might be some kind of weird relationship, where fertility is high in poor & patriarchal societies, but then as societies become wealthier fertility drops, and in order for it not to become absolutely terminal you need to become egalitarian. I genuinely don’t know. But it seems odd how the NYT reported on it.

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Fertility does follow an U shaped curve to gender equality, and most countries (except Niger etc.) have left the left part of the U by now.

Since 2000, the global correlation between birth rates and equality is positive, especially for high income countries.

The equal distribution of household chores is an even bigger driver.


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The underlying research is gated but I’d be very curious to see what these 35 countries are.

I don’t have difficulty imagining the totality of data would show a U-shaped curve, but much more likely to be a Nike symbol shaped U than a proper U. Every high fertility country in the world right now—sans Israel—is incredibly non-egalitarian.

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And, on a longer time scale, the advance of gender egalitarian movements—resulting in more women in the workforce and in higher education—seems like it would be inversely correlated with fertility rates.

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As Dylan said roughly 60 years ago, “You’ve hurled the worst fear that can ever be hurled, the fear to bring babies into the world.”

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