I’d like the opinion of an expert. I’ve always thought that Kissinger’s policies in the Third World failed on their own terms because the Realpolitik costs of supporting corrupt, incompetent, and unpopular dictators exceeded any actual national security benefits. You look at the Shah, Marcos, Pinochet, not mention Southeast Asia and it seems like the costs of supporting such regimes wax high particularly the cost of popular resentment in e.g. Iran. and in the end they had no effect on the end of the Cold War. I would love to know your thoughts.

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A more positive assessment from the very distinguished historian Sergey Radchenko. Yes, his affiliation … But he’s one of the most knowledgeable people:


Contra, thoughtful from David Rothkopf:


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Great and balanced piece on Kissinger! I'm somewhat neutral on him and bemused by the intense debate over his ideas and policies.

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Chief Blob or just another product of the Blob? For certain he has deep insights and carries lots of influence.

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