First, thanks for not expecting people to pay to comment. But Elon will fail and take drumpfy with him. Everyday brings out how awful these people are. I know very few gop who are fans of these jerks. Only for themselves and clearly without principles.
Yet tRump flunkies in court filings insist that Elno is only an "advisor", and not a salaried employee of this government. What we are seeing here re: "the five 'bullets'" request by multiple fed departments is calling the bastard's bluff, and simply refusing to follow through on Elno's various pronunciamentos. Call it the "Emperor has no clothes" moment.
tRump would then be forced to actually acknowledge Elno's rôle as that of an appointed officer, which would introduce a "Catch-22" situation for the administration, as such an appointment clearly has a host of troubling issues already in some courtrooms.
Lot more to play out here, not to the advantage of either Elno nor his patron.
I was a proud fed for 38 years and one thing I learned was that the person who does the most damage is the one who doesn't know what he doesn't know. That is Musk to a friggin T.
Musk and his callow toadies and enablers in the administration are terrible human beings, with no knowledge of, or interest in, how government works, or, more generally, how humans work.
Are any other users having trouble with not getting posts from people you're subscribed to in email ? Like I didn't get Dan's this morning, for example. Seems to have started over the weekend.
Musk's request literally cannot be carried out. I heard somewhere he just wants to uncover inactive emails. If that's the case, there must be a better way than this.
There’s a reason Stone Cold Steve Austin was ubiquitously popular in his heyday. He wanted to give his evil boss the middle finger and punch him in the face.
Man I have a real dislike for academia. They criticize, know all and contribute not one item toward a solution. Just bitch piss and moan. (BPM) How about some suggestions Drezner, show us how it should be done. Keep in mind why we are in the position we are in....because of the previous political disaster.
1) My suggestion is try to avoid making things worse -- which is exactly what Elon's dumbass email accomplished. This shouldn't be hard to comprehend, Dutch!
2) All you have done as a commenter is lob insults. So consider this your first and only warning. One more gratuitous insult and you'll be permanently banned.
Boundaries don’t matter if they’re not enforced, Dr Drezner. Dutch seems a bit unhinged and offers nothing to the conversation, so he should be shown the door. People like Dutch inspire writers to lock commenting which can dampen discourse.
Whoa, Drezner! I'm quacking in my boots. Your way or the highway huh. Anytime you would like to discuss the state of this nation, let me know. You and me. Doesn't have to be in person, via the "pen" is fine. My guess is that you will cower and I'll never hear from you again. Be glad to provide you with mailing address, phone number etc. Sorry I hurt your feelings. Semper Fi.
That's it? That's all you got? You wrote an 11 page blurb in the Great Decisions Course. I write an essay in response to your gobbledygook. It will be presented at our next meeting. That said, I don't hear an offer to discuss. That means you haven't got it in you to leave your academic cubicle. There is a real world out there, one that academia hides from. All those learned titles and you won't come out of your institutional hiding place, that safe place, that place of paper and scribbling. I'll be waiting. for starters and you can even have my address. Can't make it any easier for you.
Wait, so you're willing to discuss the situation seriously via private email, but not here in public where onlookers can see it?
I can think of only one explanation for why you voluntarily throw insults around in public, but you'll only debate in private: you're trying to disguise your lack of confidence in your logic.
If it starts to become clear that this really is mere performative bullshit that can be ignored, that's good news indicating that bullshit requests simply become an unwelcome fact of life for the next four years. But if there are any agencies where the threats actually get acted on, then the problem is a lot bigger. It seems pretty clear that acting on the threats would be illegal and unconstitutional, but equally clear that this administration doesn't care about that.
The Tesla board and stockholders ought to make the same demand of Musk. He's paid quite a bit more.
Bill Lumbergh - thank you for starting my day with a laugh. I actually think Lumbergh was a better manager than Musk in many ways.
First, thanks for not expecting people to pay to comment. But Elon will fail and take drumpfy with him. Everyday brings out how awful these people are. I know very few gop who are fans of these jerks. Only for themselves and clearly without principles.
Yet tRump flunkies in court filings insist that Elno is only an "advisor", and not a salaried employee of this government. What we are seeing here re: "the five 'bullets'" request by multiple fed departments is calling the bastard's bluff, and simply refusing to follow through on Elno's various pronunciamentos. Call it the "Emperor has no clothes" moment.
tRump would then be forced to actually acknowledge Elno's rôle as that of an appointed officer, which would introduce a "Catch-22" situation for the administration, as such an appointment clearly has a host of troubling issues already in some courtrooms.
Lot more to play out here, not to the advantage of either Elno nor his patron.
I'd take Michael Scott over Musk any day of the week and twice on Sundays.
I was a proud fed for 38 years and one thing I learned was that the person who does the most damage is the one who doesn't know what he doesn't know. That is Musk to a friggin T.
Musk and his callow toadies and enablers in the administration are terrible human beings, with no knowledge of, or interest in, how government works, or, more generally, how humans work.
Are any other users having trouble with not getting posts from people you're subscribed to in email ? Like I didn't get Dan's this morning, for example. Seems to have started over the weekend.
Musk's request literally cannot be carried out. I heard somewhere he just wants to uncover inactive emails. If that's the case, there must be a better way than this.
There’s a reason Stone Cold Steve Austin was ubiquitously popular in his heyday. He wanted to give his evil boss the middle finger and punch him in the face.
Man I have a real dislike for academia. They criticize, know all and contribute not one item toward a solution. Just bitch piss and moan. (BPM) How about some suggestions Drezner, show us how it should be done. Keep in mind why we are in the position we are in....because of the previous political disaster.
So two things:
1) My suggestion is try to avoid making things worse -- which is exactly what Elon's dumbass email accomplished. This shouldn't be hard to comprehend, Dutch!
2) All you have done as a commenter is lob insults. So consider this your first and only warning. One more gratuitous insult and you'll be permanently banned.
Boundaries don’t matter if they’re not enforced, Dr Drezner. Dutch seems a bit unhinged and offers nothing to the conversation, so he should be shown the door. People like Dutch inspire writers to lock commenting which can dampen discourse.
Whoa, Drezner! I'm quacking in my boots. Your way or the highway huh. Anytime you would like to discuss the state of this nation, let me know. You and me. Doesn't have to be in person, via the "pen" is fine. My guess is that you will cower and I'll never hear from you again. Be glad to provide you with mailing address, phone number etc. Sorry I hurt your feelings. Semper Fi.
I have no doubt you are quacking in your boots.
That's it? That's all you got? You wrote an 11 page blurb in the Great Decisions Course. I write an essay in response to your gobbledygook. It will be presented at our next meeting. That said, I don't hear an offer to discuss. That means you haven't got it in you to leave your academic cubicle. There is a real world out there, one that academia hides from. All those learned titles and you won't come out of your institutional hiding place, that safe place, that place of paper and scribbling. I'll be waiting. for starters and you can even have my address. Can't make it any easier for you.
I'm pretty sure none of us want this kind of discourse here at all. Good luck and enjoy your visit.
Wait, so you're willing to discuss the situation seriously via private email, but not here in public where onlookers can see it?
I can think of only one explanation for why you voluntarily throw insults around in public, but you'll only debate in private: you're trying to disguise your lack of confidence in your logic.
If it starts to become clear that this really is mere performative bullshit that can be ignored, that's good news indicating that bullshit requests simply become an unwelcome fact of life for the next four years. But if there are any agencies where the threats actually get acted on, then the problem is a lot bigger. It seems pretty clear that acting on the threats would be illegal and unconstitutional, but equally clear that this administration doesn't care about that.
Think about how much taxpayers money was spent trying to figure out what to do with this stupid request…
I’m frequently contacting my congressman (R) to stand up to this insanity. Not holding my breath anything happens though.