Re: Project 25

You might view the Youtube by Ward Carroll and Bryan McGrath on P25. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7akppZdMus

I alway wonder why the bullets and bombs thrown around by a country of around 7million is priority #1 in American foreign policy. All the way from Truman to Biden. Once the world is weaned off oil I guess we will fight over water.

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Feel better soon!

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Feel better soon, and love the Syndrome reference!

However, I do think that "we'll no longer be a nation/democracy/..." and "this is a question of national security" are two different claims - national security normally refers to what is eventually an external threat, or am I mistaken?

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Don’t push yourself. Rest up and get well.

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Three! Well, you're one up on me. With all the vacinations I've had, one more time and I stop believing in science! Hope you feel better soon. One of your emails can make my week.

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