First, the phrase is "STURM UND DRANG," not strum und drang..darn autocorrect.

Second, your positionality and privilege probably leads you to ignore all the many ways in which life is getting WORSE for many Americans!


Probably should be more careful making such broad generalizations about life getting better in the US.

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On the economy, the same exact cognitive dissonance happened (and was widely written about) during the Obama administration. The reason is no mystery: Roughly half of the population is spoon fed "news" that the economy isn't doing well because Democrats don't know how to run the economy (all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding).

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Let us pray that you are right! This is good news, indeed.

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I hope you're right.

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I tend to agree.

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Oh yeah you mean to be like Florida. Like America’s Gov led by example on. Gov Ron, America’s Gov.

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