Trump's made a lot of money for people, especially his detractors. Seems a book a week comes out. Demand is insatiable

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“ as more of a compliment than a substitute”

Probably a complement, too.

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Gah, that gets me every time! Fixing...

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I was second-guessing myself for a moment...

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Drezner's world need not be weighed down with guilt about the (mildly) booming business when the world goes awry. It's not as though they caused the world to enter troubled waters out of base financial motives.

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Happy that my SDPR ETF management fees will be used to pay for something useful. Seems like I will become a (indirectly) paying reader after all :D.

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Congrats! Can you do better than my son the finance professor: Vanguard?

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Mazel tov :)

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*checks date of post* seems legit. And a good hire!

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