Exactly why I said that "Those Old Scientists", in which I grinned from beginning to end, was the kind of thing the Hugos were made for. But you might have to get the references like "Travis Mayweather Middle School" to have understood that.
Thanks for your great take on Star Trek: Lower Decks! I know that this show doesn't often get a lot of love from die-hard Trekkies like yours truly, but it and Brave New World have so much of the original spirit of TOS that it brought a lot of joy and serenity into my jaded, post 2024 election heart. I grew up on TOS and TAS in the 80's and loved the optimism of Star Trek's vision for the future that never overlooked the challenges of the present and trusted in the ability of humanity to make the right decisions, instead of a small family of space wizards who solve everything.
(I also had the great pleasure of watching "WeJ DuJ" when that was nominated but that was never going to beat The Expanse for anything.)
Exactly why I said that "Those Old Scientists", in which I grinned from beginning to end, was the kind of thing the Hugos were made for. But you might have to get the references like "Travis Mayweather Middle School" to have understood that.
Thanks for your great take on Star Trek: Lower Decks! I know that this show doesn't often get a lot of love from die-hard Trekkies like yours truly, but it and Brave New World have so much of the original spirit of TOS that it brought a lot of joy and serenity into my jaded, post 2024 election heart. I grew up on TOS and TAS in the 80's and loved the optimism of Star Trek's vision for the future that never overlooked the challenges of the present and trusted in the ability of humanity to make the right decisions, instead of a small family of space wizards who solve everything.
I agree, SM. We need humor in our art (and daily lives), even when the world isn't as dark as it's soon likely to be.