“To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”

It would seem rather difficult for the US to be the one to broker peace deals when it has spent the better part of 3 decades selling weapons or bringing war. It’s actions have also been uncertain when it has spent 75 years controlling the oil trade through Saudi Arabia and is now abandoning it? Who did they think was going to pick up the pieces? It seems the US is groping for a new Grand Strategy. Washington seems to be in a chaotic mess in whether to pursue ESG vs the military stick.

To top it off, the global Dollar also appears unstable as the Feds continue to pursue monetary contraction. I wonder if anyone ever anticipated the impact and areas for escape? There seems to be elements of the 1988 S&L crisis.

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I recall from the 1990s the Alliance of Countries Under Sanctions. Any country that demonstrates that some type of third way economics can work well gets squeezed - then when it threatens to switch from dollars to euros it gets bombed to smithereeens.

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