Fact checking would be nice. They all told some pretty bad whoppers.

It really would be useful if there could be an honest debate on the difference between Reganomics and Bidenomics. I still laugh when I remember GHW Bush calling it VooDoo Economics. Keynesian economics got us out of the depression and the Chicago/Austrian economics put us in a slow steady decline. No wonder people feel the future is so bleak. Perhaps if they understood that to make America great again we really need to embrace the notion that good government can do good things for all Americans.

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Haley was the best in presentation. Ramaswamy was too hot for the medium (Re McCluhan) and was simply offensive. DiSantis was a weak debater. Pence did better than expected; Christie did not do as well as expected(let the Orange Menace off the hook for not showing up). The rest of the field should look for something else to do.

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DesAntis won the debate

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LTNS. Why do you hate America, Tom?

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If this were a normal election year and a normal Republican Party, everyone would be talking about Nikki Haley's outstanding performance.

She demonstrated a mastery of the facts (percentage of pentagon budget going to Ukraine, extent of Ukraine aid from European countries, impossibility of passing federal abortion ban because of fillibuster rules, seriousness of climate change, etc.), was passionately unambiguous in her attack on Putin, and drew on her experience as UN ambassador to remain poised and dignified amidst 7 desperate, shouting men.

Of course this is not a normal election or party, so she'll probably sink back into obscurity as the clown car careens ahead until the wheels fall off.


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The narrative divide was really striking to me. Pence citied Reagan like 6 times as was doing a sort of "Morning in America" pitch for if the GOP gets back in the White House. While Vivek was straight up Trump style American Carnage. Also questions about the Youtube country song had to be a new low for stupid debate questions, good Lord media people, please do better.

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I only watched about 20 minutes, but I saw enough of Vivek to see that he was clearly running to be Trump’s running mate (please no!). He was brutal to watch, extremely off base on foreign policy, and just seemed like a total grifter.

I was a little surprised to see the pep in Pence, but he’s got no chance at all.

And DeSantis is just bad at this.

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Haley was surprisingly good.

The half smile/smirk on Desantis' face after his opening statement said it all about him.

Desantis seems like an aspiring autocrat.

When he barely raised his hand only after he looked around the stage to make sure others had already raised theirs when they were asked if they would support a convicted felon showed his cowardice.

Vivek was an entertaining idiot spouting conspiracies and acting as backup for Trump.

As you suggest, the end result will probably be a bump up in support for Vivek.

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I watched it. I don’t know if I can watch another. Using the lowest bar I can think of, I think all but DeSantas and Ramaswamy still believe America should be a democracy, sometimes with a little voter suppression on the side. Unfortunately, the top three polling Republican candidates either clearly don’t believe in democracy, or appear not to.

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It appears Ramaswamy declared himself as anti-establishment, similar to Trump.

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I can't get the song out of my head. You monster

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Gov DesAntis held his own, he was steady and consistent in his approach. He came across as the candidate who has the record to lead. Vivek cane across as extreme and bellicose, he hurt himself with his tantrums. Pence looked like he was at odds with everyone. Christie was meaningless as is his candidacy. Scott was out of touch with the conversation. Overall, the moderators and forum were awful.

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