He only plans to be a dictator on day one. All the other days, he plans to be a despot.

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The whole ‘Trump has a team scouring the nation for loyalists’ seems a little overblown. Isn’t this what normal candidates/campaigns do ahead of an election?

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Dunno, do normal candidates seek staffers who are willing to *checks notes* jail critics, including government officials and journalists; put undocumented immigrants into detainment camps, use the military to quell protestors, and purge government workers deemed disloyal to Trump?

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"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard." H L Mencken

I'd already lost most of my trust in the average American's intelligence. That died long before 2016.

But since Trump's arrival on the scene, I've lost most of my trust in the average American's... well, anything, really. That so many of my fellow citizens are willing to throw away what's left of the country's laws and ideals to get momentary revenge on whoever dissed them, that so many of them are just plain stupid and sadistic, leaves me with very little faith that they'll suddenly make the right decision in November 2024.

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This seems overly pessimistic. By and large American voters made the right decisions in 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2023. It might not happen next year, but still...

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What you say is true, and I will clutch that fact for dear life.

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I am all for deploying the military to our borders to keep out the invaders. When I landed in Dulles yesterday from Barcelona, everyone had to show their documents while the armed men stood around looking to prevent trouble. Why can’t we spend money to protect our borders instead of Ukraine’s?

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This kind of article leaves me cold.

Democrats (and Biden) are simply not addressing most Americans concerns. Democrats emphasize job creation, climate change, and racial justice. Most Americans prioritize inflation and cost of living, immigration, and crime.

If Democrats change their focus, they’ll poll better and “magically” we won’t hear so much about how Trump would behave in a second term.

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I loved the pictures of Trump. I wish more of the media would use them!

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It's not great, Dan.

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“Many of us questioned Mueller hiring Weissmann given his reputation for stretching legal authority and perceived political bias. Weissmann reportedly congratulated acting Attorney General Sally Yates after she ordered the Justice Department not to assist President Donald Trump on his immigration ban. The Supreme Court would ultimately affirm Trump’s underlying authority, but Yates refused to allow the Justice Department to assist a sitting president in defending that authority. Weissmann gushed in an email to her, writing “I am so proud. And in awe. Thank you so much.””

From Jonathan Turley, how is Trump to accomplish policy goals that voters such as myself support if his executive branch refuses to defend them in court? The SC said Trump had the authority. DD, do you support the DOJ refusing to put the best case of the President’s policy, which is widely favored by his supporters, forward to the SC?

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