The disasters that are coming will feel so much worse because they're going to happen FOR NO GOOD REASON.

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Bryan Fichter: You hit the nail on the head.


When will this create pain for them instead of us?


How will the turnabout come to correct this entropy?

Or is this the new swerve in our history, to prevail for the next forty years until some other monstrosity upends it?

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Spot on, as usual. Outstanding young people I know well are having their lives ruined. It pisses the hell out of me.

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The cruelty is definitely part of the point. Sadists are in charge.

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I live in northern Virginia in a neighborhood with many federal workers and contractors and can attest to what you’ve observed. The ripple effect will be enormous.

Also, Go, Jumbos!

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DOGE-Death of Government Expertise. Most of us probably know someone working for the federal government. The stress put upon these folks is undeniable and undeserved. My son is a lawyer at HHS in SF. He’s been off for a quick 2 week paternity leave. The bulk of his earned leave is 6 months and starts when his wife returns to work in June. He doesn’t know if he’ll even have a job then, especially since his expertise is the Indian Health Service. He has to return to the office next week which is in the worst area of SF. His building, the one named after Nancy Pelosi, is allegedly going to be sold. He really wants the time with his family so is reluctant to quit even though he disapproves of everything this government does. It’s a moral and ethical quandary at a time of heightened anxiety. It’s just not right. We should really appreciate what this is doing to so many people and families. I can understand why there was so much darkness.

Clearly the potential for multiple catastrophic events exist when you have only unqualified sycophants occupying such important positions in the administration. Pandemics, terrorist attacks, domestic violence, world war, financial disaster, needless death and suffering and such are now a reality. I never thought this would or could happen in America.

Foolishly, I had faith in the social contract, morality, and humanity of the voters. No words.

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And now I’ve watched the video and thoroughly enjoyed the discussion. It’s giving me hope this afternoon (and your socks were a bright spot too).

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Thank you for this update of current events in the District. And your mention of the Fletcher School of Diplomacy (as I remember the name) took me way back in time. I was an intern at a newspaper and somehow wrote an article which featured your school. But 50 plus years on, I can’t remember the details (although as I wrack my brain it may have been about the founder?). Anyway, thanks again.

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If anyone doesn’t want to watch the entire video, I would suggest skipping to the 41:30 mark, where Coons is asked, “I think a lot of our current students [at the Fletcher School] are asking themselves right now, ‘where is my future in public service?’ What do you have to say to that?”

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I live in Arlington and was at a USAID contractor and have been unemployed since Jan. 31st. The first week or two it seemed only the international development and public health crowd were truly panicking - these past few weeks it's been everybody.

It's draining being on the frontlines. Even walking my dog, I walk by people and the conversations are about unemployment and uncertainty. But the brightside is the community building has been incredibly strong and I'm very thankful for the little blips of relief whether it's happy hours for fired workers to commiserate, neighbors checking-in on neighbors, or long phone calls with family and friends who used to be distant. I think right now we're preparing for the worst and hoping for the best - I've never seen so many people talk about making emergency go-backs in my life.

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It looks from afar as though someone has sat on all the organ’s keys and has tasked others with ensuring the stops are vandalised.

The noise will become unbearable.

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Hubris…then nemesis as the ancient Greeks used to say

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Dan, what can we say the first 30 days have been outstanding. I can tell from your commentators that most of them have never worked in government. Truth be told a 15 percent reduction in the number of seat holders in DC is a very very reasonable goal. Heck Dan, every agency I was at I could have cut 15 percent and only scratched the surface of the dead beats and do nothings that keep chairs warm. The DOD even has a whole division dedicated to holding the civilian employees that are Retired In Place (RIP). Our President is what the young people we call a “disruptor” and a lot of Americans have said, it’s about time.

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Can’t wait until you’re blindsided.

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