You still think the OpenAI board overreacted when firing Altman or are you now of the Gary Marcus view that the original board was correct and that Altman is untrustworthy?

God knows a lot of the people leaving that place seem to have backgrounds or job titles that should give us all concern that they’re the ones finding the culture intolerable

I suggest a moratorium on giving high profile tech jobs to people named Sam until we work out what the hell is going on

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We don't know how markets will react to anything. If we did, we'd all be rich

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We don't know the direction, but usually we can be pretty sure of the upper bound on amplitude.

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I have been wondering about AI which on the surface seems like the new shiny penny and on the other hand feels like the next big jobs eliminator. Useless on both counts. Anybody want to give me a reason to think otherwise?

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Read Gary Marcus

He just keeps being right and his takes on LLMs hitting a wall and not being the path to true AGI continue to be proven correct by events, as does his pessimism and distrust of Sam Altman

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Thanks, will look him up

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He’s on Substack, well worth a follow

I’ve learned so much from him, an actual expert not a lazy booster

He believes in the power of AI to improve the world but doesn’t believe LLMs are the path to AI and is upset so much money is being wasted on them and fears that their eventual failure will set back the development of true AGI by years if not decades

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Does he talk about the energy cost? Seems like right when we should be using less energy, so much going to power AI

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Touches on it but far more focused on how LLMs are the wrong path to be taking to reach AGI and the theft of intellectual property in LLMs being a major scandal

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While I usually respect your writing, this is amazingly off target. You mention a few tech executives and generalize to all of Silicon Valley? Most of SV looks at those same people as outsiders as they represent a fringe to everyone.

This article is the equivalent of pointing at Trump's foreign policy statements as representative of the entire field of international relations.

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