Thanks for excerpting contributors' comments! Now I can go to the grave happy I never paid for and read this book.

C'mon, political scientists. Do better.

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"The biggest gap in Carnes and Goren’s book is the absence of, um, foreign policy. "

Maybe the guy who wrote "Theories of International Politics and Zombies" should take a crack at this topic.

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::Reading the column:: Wait, there's a Thanos apologia chapter? Bet there's a big "to be sure" somewhere in there, but even so.

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I am into the MCU, and I'll read your full column. Can't disagree with anything you excerpted. It felt like they started TRYING to do/say something with the Falcon & Winter Soldier...and having Thunderbolt Ross become president (coming soon) could be fertile ground...or just double down on what you stated.

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