NOTE: This is meant as a reply to John O'Neil but the Post button doesn't work in the Reply.
I would add that neither Biden nor Obama did even the slightest thing to hold the powerful accountable which hasn't helped our current situation.
Obama made it very clear from the beginning of his Administration that it would not even investigate financial malfeasance, much less indict anyone, letting the crooks get away with fraud on a massive scale. Allowing white collar criminals to get away with ripping off people and on top of that not only letting them keep the vast majority of their ill gotten gains but also scoop up the vast majority of the government bailout money was a kick to the gut for middle class people who played by the rules. It sent a very clear sign that rich and powerful people are above the law. Worse, it sent the message that ripping people off is hugely profitable.
And it was clear to most people from the beginning (everyone but Marcy Wheeler anyway) that Biden's AG, Merrick Garland, had no appetite to prosecute Trump for his many crimes. He was dragged kicking and screaming mostly because his hand was forced by the 1/6 Congressional committee and all of the evidence it made public, but by the time he finally moved it was way too late.
Not holding powerful people accountable is a big part of why we are here and that will, I think, be their very bad legacies. That we just elected the biggest crook, again, to ever hold the office of POTUS is, well, pretty fucking ironic.
Strike that last line. Ironic is most definitely not the word. More like inevitable. Not holding rich and powerful people accountable for their crimes made it inevitable that a crook would be elected to the highest office in the land.
And I get that not holding the rich and powerful accountable did not start with Obama or Biden. But, both men missed huge opportunities to show the world that, at least sometimes, they are held to account.
NOTE: This is meant as a reply to John O'Neil but the Post button doesn't work in the Reply.
I would add that neither Biden nor Obama did even the slightest thing to hold the powerful accountable which hasn't helped our current situation.
Obama made it very clear from the beginning of his Administration that it would not even investigate financial malfeasance, much less indict anyone, letting the crooks get away with fraud on a massive scale. Allowing white collar criminals to get away with ripping off people and on top of that not only letting them keep the vast majority of their ill gotten gains but also scoop up the vast majority of the government bailout money was a kick to the gut for middle class people who played by the rules. It sent a very clear sign that rich and powerful people are above the law. Worse, it sent the message that ripping people off is hugely profitable.
And it was clear to most people from the beginning (everyone but Marcy Wheeler anyway) that Biden's AG, Merrick Garland, had no appetite to prosecute Trump for his many crimes. He was dragged kicking and screaming mostly because his hand was forced by the 1/6 Congressional committee and all of the evidence it made public, but by the time he finally moved it was way too late.
Not holding powerful people accountable is a big part of why we are here and that will, I think, be their very bad legacies. That we just elected the biggest crook, again, to ever hold the office of POTUS is, well, pretty fucking ironic.
Strike that last line. Ironic is most definitely not the word. More like inevitable. Not holding rich and powerful people accountable for their crimes made it inevitable that a crook would be elected to the highest office in the land.
And I get that not holding the rich and powerful accountable did not start with Obama or Biden. But, both men missed huge opportunities to show the world that, at least sometimes, they are held to account.