This informative article is a dee-licious pastry being enjoyed with my strong coffee.

Good morning, everyone!

With this DeSantis analysis, on top of yesterday's glee-inducing exposition of The Tucker-Lemon flushing, I feel as if I've lost 15 pounds of agony!

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I’ve been wondering for months if Ron De Santis would be the Scott Walker of 2024 - beloved by the Republican think-tanks and billionaire donors for his combative own-the-libs success as Governor but a total dud once in the national ring. It appears the comparison may be unfair to Walker, who actually manged to launch a campaign before imploding.

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One of the basic things that Trump's Republican rivals didn't understand in 2016 and still don't understand now is that when they dance around him, refuse to respond to him, ignore him, or even fawn and asskiss him like J.D. Vance is doing, they're demonstrating weakness. And yet these are the guys who are promising to be strong leaders of the United States against its international rivals and against people that their voting base despise within the U.S. It doesn't matter how many liberal colleges you destroy or transgender people you deny medical services to, that's not where the GOP base is looking to see strength. They're looking to see what you do when someone slaps you across the face or takes a whiz on your shoe. Hell, knowing some of the base, they're looking to see what you do when someone innocently rings your doorbell or drives up your driveway.

The Republican field in 2016 ignored mortal insults by Trump to their masculinity, their families, their honor. They looked like weaklings. If just one of them had stepped off their podium, walked down to Trump, and slugged him hard, well, they might have been charged with assault but that would have ended Trump right there and then too--that would have been the "at long last sir, have you no decency" moment. DeSantis is in the same place: he wants to out-Trump Trump but he can't out-Trump him unless he hits back, hard, with real feeling. Trump has DeSantis' number on that: he knows that Ron is just playacting at fascism as a different path to personal power. He's just doing authoritarianism as a Yale-educated man would, as a strategy, not a worldview. The base wants someone who is really feeling it.

No other Republican is going to compete with Trump until he or she is willing to HIT BACK, with actual emotion and intensity and cruelty. That's what Trump's voters understand as strength: heedless cruelty, pure id, nihilistic unconcern for anything that happens to the world, the country or anything else.

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Really 2016.

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What naive neophytes like yourself and the others don’t understand is that DeSAntis will reply in kind when appropriate. He will announce and move forward with a positive example. His record is exemplary.

The past is Baby Huey Trump and dead man walking Biden, who are both pathetic. Trump is ballistic already over Ron, he is crazed. Biden is a joke, like Fetterman. The Dems are a con. DeSsntis will declare within the month or so and it will change. 70.% of Dems don’t want joe and 50% of Repub. don’t want baby Huey. DeSsntis will offer the future, he is the new generation. Trump attacks Ron, Biden attacks Repub. neither offer hope. Biden never hates on China, Russia, or others except Repub. screw him and the socialists.

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Oh, good, I was afraid Substack wouldn't get any troll farm accounts because it didn't matter enough. Check in with your supervisor, refine the take a bit.

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Retarded one. You are clueless

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Careful now. You're inching close to the border of having your comments restricted. This is your warning.

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Just here to say that both Kerry & McCain lost, despite the second wind rally.

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Moron, DeSantis has not declared, when he does game on.

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DeSantis will never be President. Heh.

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He will defeat baby Huey snd alzie corrupt joe. Only morons like this page offers think these internet polls matter. DesAntis will defeat Trump and Biden, no doubt.

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It’s good that you bring up alleged Alzheimer’s in a president that mopped the floor with the House GOP, but let’s be real - are you just angry he isn’t grabbing ‘em by the puzzy? Embezzling money from failing companies and leaving partners holding the bag? Being a sycophant of Putin? Bring to dumb and impatient to sit through National security briefings? There’s a lot GQP fans love about Trump, but I’m trying to understand which of those is really missing in our 46th president.

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Clueless, I’m for Desantis. He will defeat Trump and Biden. The GOP won the House, Biden stopped nothing. Like I said he’s corrupt, and yes alzie joe. Enjoy the defeat. DesAntis ia in the lead vs Biden and he will defeat Trump .

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We at least know that Ron will destroy Disney, save us from trans kids, and make sure the US gets out of Putin’s way.

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🤞🤞let’s not get ahead of ourselves

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That’s a mistake.

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You neophytes don’t even understand how Trump and Biden have lied and demagogued SS & Medicare. The Trustees for both entitlements have said the programs will run out in 10 yrs. Trumps lying now with Ron, he did nothing as potus. Biden is lying now as well, and doing nothing. Biden has blown $6trillion in 2 1/2 yrs, and Trump blew $8trillion in 4 yrs. They both have destroyed our economic budgets. Biden in 23 FY, 1.5 billion first six months. McCarthy is rightfully trying to rein it in. He is going back to 22 spending. DeSantis will run against Biden and Trump rightfully, he will win.

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Desantis eill be. He’s ahead of Biden, independents like him. He fights for what center, right line for. And that includes Dems, moderates, Hispanics, and women. Trump has no chance in general.

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You are appealing to lowest denominator. We can’t have baby Huey or corrupt Joe.

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Dan, your ignorance is seconded by kitterman and blatt. The left has nothing but hate, as Biden continuously conveys.

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You seem upset at me. This is puzzling, since all I'm doing is relaying what the polling and endorsement data shows, as well as what ex-DeSantis staffers are saying. I'm confused why you're not directing your ire at Trump.

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Or at DeSantis himself, since he’s the jerk in this story.

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I’d much rather De Santis be the nominee than Trump, but like Dan, just trying to call em like I see em.

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When anyone finds joy in ones demise, it’s a reflection to how sick they are. As for all the naive scribes and media cult, 9 months before a primary is a lifetime. Gov DeSantis favorable within GOP is 80% favorable. Baby Huey is under 80%. Independent leaning Repub. favor DeSantis. DeSantis will be the nominee. Enjoy

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I'll take that bet. Never gonna happen.

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Who cares. He will be.

Trumps nuclear 20 months ahead, Biden can’t walk, talk or understand anything. You are useless.

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