Bostrum's comments about 'dysgenics' included the section "Currently it seems that there is a negative correlation in some places between intellectual achievement and fertility. If such selection were to operate over a long period of time, we might evolve into a less brainy but more fertile species".

Seems like a lot of words to say that you think the reason you can't get laid is because women don't appreciate your intellectual genius..................

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I applaud your focus on existential risk. There is far too little of such discussion on Substack, and more generally across the culture. Substack so often seems like just a giant trivia machine.

You write, "They need to incentivize the intellectual firepower necessary to think better about existential risk."

We need to exercise some caution in regards to "intellectual firepower" experts. Here's why.

People who do intellectual work for a living aren't really in a position to publicly explore ideas too far outside of what the group consensus considers to be normal, reasonable and realistic. If they do so they risk being rebranded as crackpots, which can be fatal to their reputations and careers, and thus their mortgage payments etc. This becomes an issue when reasonable and realistic ideas have consistently failed to solve some problem.

Experts seem typically unable or unwilling to prioritize topics in order of importance. As evidence, how many academics have focused their careers on nuclear weapons, the one and only man made threat which can destroy the modern world in minutes without warning? Almost all academics are focused on topics of far less importance.

For 75 years we have utterly failed to meet the challenge presented by nuclear weapons. And yet, even those who are nuclear weapons experts and activists continue to endlessly repeat all the same things that have never worked. The experts write their expert articles about details. The activists shout their slogans and wave their banners. And none of it ever works. And nobody ever says, "What we're doing shows no sign of ever working."

Here's why... To say "nothing we're doing works" undermines what really matters to them, their careers. And because of this intellectual bankruptcy, I've never seen any "expert" say the following.

If nuclear weapons were to magically vanish, the next day violent men would turn their attention to other means of projecting power via methods of mass destruction. And before you know it, we'd be right back in the same old mess.

So the problem isn't actually nuclear weapons, but those who would use them, violent men.

But if one makes one's living as an expert, one can't say that, because the only way to end violent men is to end the entire male gender. There is unlikely to be a shorter path to career destruction than saying things like that. Only those who have nothing to lose are in a position to explore such options.


What experts are actually expert at is establishing themselves in society as experts. Getting the degrees, getting the jobs, building their careers, wearing the suit and tie, writing the books, speaking at conferences etc. That is, experts are expert at the expert business.

If the experts were were experts on existential risk, we wouldn't be facing so many existential risks.

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#1,2 and 3

That is man talk. I think most women would have a different response.

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Thanks Daniel. End of the world and what comes after? Should we care? Isn't that the only benefit : )

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