Republican economic policy has always been promise them anything, then renege and cut taxes on corporations and the top 1%. Donald’s is a little less coherent than Paul Ryan’s but not by much.

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Would you be amenable to writing this in a Times or Post op-ed, perhaps just emphasizing the incoherence of the economic policy?

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He is an old senior citizen who has had delayed cognitive skills all his life along with psychosis. Since memory starts declining at age 45, he has none. Talks in gibberish. Assisted living was needed years ago. Why is our country allowing such a complete human defect to have power?

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Right ? Biden has forgotten more info than Trump ever amassed to bring with as the saying goes

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I'm vaguely surprised they didn't propose pegging the dollar to Bitcoin or something like that.

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Or Melania NFTs.

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It is clear to me that the media should be assigning crime reporters to cover the republicans and not political reporters.

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MSM political reporters are more gossip columnists than journalists these days.

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Listening to Biden be too flummoxed to reply during the debate, that’s easy for journalists.

Disentangling all of Trump’s rapid fire bullshit non-answers to questions, that requires journalists to take notes, do research, connect the dots, derive results, and write up their thoughts in a coherent form.

OMG! So much work! Brain hurts! Owww! It’s sooo hard. Need a nap.

Today’s journalists, many of them, and a majority of them at the NYT, well, they’re lazy.

Someone should give them a good talking to! Where is John Jonah Jameson Jr., publisher of the Daily Bugle, when we need him?!

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He has frontotemporal dementia.

I watched about a minute of his speech.

He very clearly is on a psychiatric medication of some kind. He looked and sounded sedated.

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Small pet peeve too, but the US has never been energy independent. We don’t produce both light and heavy crude oils, thus needing to import regardless of how much we produce. Yeah, one can be turned into the other, but it’s incredibly energy intensive and oh yeah we don’t have the infrastructure for it

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It doesn’t matter-his cult accepts all of his flaws/failings.

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Typo - Drezner

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Dreamer is grasping at straws if he suggests that transcript sounds like dementia . They may not be good ideas but this is not dementia.

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I’d really like to see our wealthy media class give Trump a fraction of the “scrutiny” they gave Hillary Clinton eight years ago, when they believed any conspiracy theory they were given and put it on the front page and excused it by saying “She’s the front runner for president.”

Now Trump is leading in the polls and they’re just presenting it as a phenomenon to be marveled at.

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Explain to me like a 5 year old how removing 20 million people from the demand side of the economic curve increases prices of anything but domestic wages?

Then explain to me like a 5 year old why American citizens getting paid more in a tighter job market is not good? You keep demanding minimum wages go up… why not let supply and demand in job market dictate this?

If 20 million people are not competing in a market for housing, explain to me like a 5 year old how this increases housing prices? Aren’t you forever talking about affordable housing, well this is how you get it. Supply and demand. Reduce the demand by 20 million plus people.

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Really really interesting thank you

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I think what people see in Biden is the inability to engage. This is the major difference between the candidates, and what may very well drive Biden from the race.

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I don’t see Trump

Engaging either - in fact, you don’t want to have a conversation with him at all. He is repeating the same exact content over and over again . I don’t know if he has dementia, but there is clearly something wrong, the H lector story, etc do you find it engaging ? It’s boring - and people are all about what is novel and interesting . Compare Biden NATO presser to this - and that was without a teleprompter . Trump never even knew this Info when he was a far younger man- it’s not part of his intellect - he was with teen beauty queens and running casinos badly.

Now we get to hear the ear story for the next 2-3 mos, just like the Big lie story 🙄broken record player gramps

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"I don’t see Trump engaging either" Then you and I are seeing two completely different things. Trump fields questions all the time, always has. If anything he won't shut up.

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To understand the significance of No tax on tips you need to recall that SCOTUS just ruled that (they think) it’s legal for a government employee to receive tips, unlimited amounts of kickbacks, from a person or company that has benefited from the gov employee’s decision/work.

Clarence Thomas is being investigated for potentially not reporting and paying the appropriate taxes on over $4 million in “gifts.”

The aim of this no tax on tips is not to benefit the chump change waitresses get.

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