i wish people like me who have quit twitter would speak up.n Why sand when did you quit. i left the day Musk walked in with his sink and have been happier with that decision every day. i read several Substacks, he NYT, Washpost, WSJ, NYRB, The Atlantic, and occasionally other media. I am more informed and less angry.

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Dan, at what point do you throw up your hands and say "Enough!"? That point for me was when Musk tweeted to vote Republican. Why should I give attention and money to some narcissistic jackass with poor judgement and impulse control?

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So, there is a great deal of ruin in a (dominant) network?

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An analogous (or apophenic?) example in my mind are Lotus 1-2-3 and WordPerfect. I'm an old enough user of those products that I remember clearly the articles saying their competitors (chiefly Microsoft's Excel and Word, respectively) were bootless endeavours. I had people in my office assuring me that my fondness for Excel in particular over 1-2-3 was deeply misplaced, that "no one" among our clients would switch away, because they were so invested in 1-2-3. "Gradually, and then suddenly."

I will say that I am saddened by Twitter's decline. I'm very much a "reader", not a poster/engager, but I had a feed curated to make me happy. It's harder now.

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It’s odd to watch allegedly progressive people continue to tweet, it’s almost like they’re trying really hard to prove that much of publicly professed politics is about virtue signaling, and self interest trumps one’s professed political views. The profit motive eclipses any claimed morals.

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Yes Ana?

Is there IR in this real life cautionary tale?

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Do you think NPR will continue to not tweet? It looks like some of their affiliate stations are removing themselves from the discussion as well.

Could this be the beginning of something! Or do you think other companies whom Elon has deemed undesirable- like the New York Times - will just take his bullshit and decide that it’s worth it?

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