Are there plans for a meet-up or anything along similar lines? Being UK-based, I'd love to meet the hard-working staff at Drezner's World.

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Along a similar note, are any of the talks in the UK open to the public?

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I too, would love to share a beer with the hard working staff at Drezner's world! Perhaps a meetup somewhere local to the staff operations to discuss IR and pop culture like Five Horses Tavern in Davis Square, Elm Street Taproom, or Olde Magoun's Saloon in Ball Square?

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Obviously you *have* to review Starship Troopers...

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I read Space the Nation until it suddenly disappeared one day several years ago. Missed it since it went behind a pay wall!

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While there are many advantages to patronage, there's also a pretty large archive that's available for free. All of the embedded links above will connect you to episodes that do not require a subscription!

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