I continue to be frustrated by polling and commentary that fails to distinguish legal from illegal immigration; immigration of low skilled from immigration of high-skilled.

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I’ve been trying to explain to the empty headed mouth breathing rascist troglodytes that undocumented immigrants seeking asylum are subsidizing red states.

Why? Because that is the case. They contribute and receive nothing sometimes for two decades and red states always receive more than they contribute.

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New immigrants have much more economic mobility than descendants of past immigrants. Only when second and third generations from the most recent waves face this point will they swing nativist, requiring new inflows to balance this political fact. This seems to be a constant in American economic history.

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I’m confused. So the argument here is that Americans love immigration because the only people who don’t like immigration are Republicans and people in the south?

Americans love everything if you exclude the people who don’t love a thing! What the polling tells me is that the most anti-immigrant candidate is going to become president!

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No, my argument is that anti-immigration sentiment is not a median voter trait but a trait of Americans who will vote GOP no matter what.

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An argument that relies on obfuscating the difference between legal immigration and open borders. Your self approved moral superiority entitles you to mould facts to fit your denial of democracy. I will blame you if Trump gets elected.

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"Meanwhile, the Trump campaign continues to plan a truly Draconian series of restriction and deportation measures if they come to power in 2025, including militarizing the border, relying on local police for neighborhood raids, and building mass deportation camps."

The Trump campaign is deliberately channeling the Nazi/fascist vibe. It's completely obvious at this point. Whether it's a sincere reflection of Trump's rage at various things (including losing), an attempt to appeal to radical right-wingers on Twitter or the Russian influence I'll leave up to you. I think the Nazi cosplaying on the hard right is partly idiots indioting, but there's a lot of sincere and unjustified rage over there. That said, the plan appeals most of all to them probably because they can envision sticking lots of "enemies" in camps. It's the product of the rage of a lot of spoiled overgrown children shaking their tiny fists because they didn't get ponies for Christmas.

Not much to be done about it except beating them about the head and shoulders with baseball bats.

The "explanation" is right. But again, we are talking about a lot of umc/upper-class white people bitching because they can't hire the help for peanuts, and because the fed isn't effectively subsidizing free loans anyone. That lot isn't happy about the situation, even though the othe classes are doing much better, and that's biasing the news coverage.


so there's that

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