Thank you. It’s beyond time for common sense in the political arena and it seems as if joy has returned as well. I’m ready for both and if it translates into a love of neighbor and country, I’m ready for it.

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Walz embodies the common sense midwestern progressivism that troglodytes like Gov Scott Walker of Wisconsin worked with ALEC to undermine, to the detriment of working men and women. His rise to VP candidate continues the journey back from the last 14 years of regressive politics that brought misery to Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin. Go Walz, go Witmer, go Evers!

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Claiming “common sense” is absolutely a rhetorical/persuasive move! It’s sometimes a sneaky one, asserting that the argument is already won. But it can equally be a counterattack, e.g. “Your maximalist reading of the Second Amendment is weird and extreme, while my proposed limits are simple common sense.”

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Walz is also a one-person argument that the store of popular liberal policies on the federal level is not empty having presided over the passage of a number of them as governor. Against the inevitable Republican attacks it is really important to emphasize that Democrats being in power will implement small-d democratic policies.

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Not only didnt they leak, to

Plan the announcement in PA was a nice fake, then pivot . The RNC just had to bite that lure - certain it would be Shapiro - then snap. Just glorious to watch

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Common Sense Like Don't Start Senseless Wars With Lies?

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Wow - you’re leaving yourself wide open on this one … better to rephrase that.

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Well said. KUTGW.

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Dan you need to do your homework on Walz.

Read up about his Stolen Valor claiming to be a Command Sergeant Major while bailing out on his unit when mobilized for Iraq.

Or his DUI he tried to avoid by lying about being deaf.

You are embarrassing yourself here.

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I just don't like insults, I like facts. I would defend the devil if that's where the facts led. I believe I have, in a lot of people's minds : )

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Mr. Drezner is hardly embarrassing himself. Both of these issues have posed no problem for Walz, who has won several highly contentious elections. Why should Mr. Drezner discuss issues that will pose no problem?

On a completely different note, I was not aware Walz got a DUI during his military career. A DUI typically gets you thrown out. How did Walz avoid this?

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I heard that Walz was dishonorably discharged because he brought hotdish to a potluck for a colonel that was "lukewarm, at best." It was rumored, but never confirmed, that he used fresh mushrooms with a cream sauce instead of Campbell's cream of mushroom soup. "We don't take kindly to show-offs around here, Sgt Escoffier."

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yeah let's see a little advice here I'd leave comedy to the pros

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Ah tryin to manufacture a swift boat 2 lie like you did with Kerry - we see you 😉

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There is no comparison, and since you are struggling let's create an easy to understand syllogism:

1. Walz got a DUI

2. A DUI means the end of your military career

3. Walz continued his military career

To any rational person there's something wrong here, and trying to figure it out is only, um, rational.

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Here’s another indicator that your premise is flawed and pulled out of your rectum - why would these folks be having this discussion? Why did they say “now” automatic? Why are there so many stories in the comments of folks talking about buddies who got DUIs and their service experience after that if it’s so “automatic?”

Here’s more folks talking about it!


I could link another two dozen law firm pages discussing it too if you’d like! But you seem hell bent that the lack of reporting from 30 years ago about a then nobody and the punishment received is some shameful coverup of favoritism or whatever you’re trying to get at instead of something that occurs pretty frequently.

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From a quick google, looks like LOTS of things can happen when a service member gets a DUI, including dismissal.

You seem to be mistaken on the “means the end of your military career” bit. I’d be shocked if there weren’t at least a hundred cases a year, with 2 million service members and all


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From your own site: "People with a military DUI on their permanent record won’t be allowed to reenlist for the military."

It's common knowledge among military that a DUI is the end of your career. Officers are sacked immediately, enlisted not immediately thrown out will not be asked to re-up. Everyone in the military knows this, ask anyone in or out. I don't know what else to say.

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Idk what to tell you man, you’ve clearly made your mind up already based off of “things everyone knows” and “common knowledge” that is pretty clearly refutable. Easily refutable.

He had a *civilian* dui, not a military dui. They can court martial someone for the civilian dui and charge them with a military dui, OR they have alternative choices they can make.


A DUI can result in the dismissal of a service member from the military. However, the UCMJ gives commanding officers great discretion to levy alternative punishment according to the nature of the offense. “


When ones “common knowledge” is demonstrated to be false, intelligent people tend to reevaluate their stances. But keep going off vibes if you’d prefer

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I asked A QUESTION. I am NOT taking a stance. You simply will not acknowledge this is an issue. You will go around and around, and around, twisting and thumb-wrestling to avoid any consideration of my question: Given a DUI has serious military ramifications, what happened with Walz?

This is typical of partisans. They don't even try to answer, instead nitpicking any question to death. Admit it. Your mind is sealed. No questions allowed.

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Perhaps it's your facts that are wrong. I see you offer no credible source for your claim that Walz got a DUI.

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Walz was charged with DUI and was allowed to plead guilty to reckless driving, categorized as under the influence, a typical plea for first time offenders that is the equivalent in every way to a DUI. Such a plea is registered as impaired driving and does not in any way relieve the offender of DUI consequences, including jail time, license suspension or restriction, mandatory drug and alcohol assessment, DUI classes, a huge increase in insurance, and the end of most career tracks that involve driving, public safety, and yes, the military.

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He did not get his DUI WHILE in the military. They came after.

A DUI doesn't preclude you from being a good leader. Lying about being deaf to get out of the DUI is what preclude Walz from being a good leader.

That and claiming he was in combat when he wasn't.

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You are wrong. He did get a DUI while in the military. CNN: "Walz served in the Army National Guard for 24 years before retiring in 2005." and "Walz had been arrested (for DUI) on Sept. 23, 1995".

Now to address your statement, "A DUI doesn't preclude you from being a good leader." No one said it did. However, a DUI ends your military career. Anyone in the military will tell you this. Why was Walz allowed to continue?

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Speaking of VPs I’ve got a fun game for you to play to prove your USPolitics nerddom

Going back election by election see how far you can get before getting to an election where you can’t remember the losing VP candidate

I just did it and got to 1988 (and still annoyed so myself for forgetting who was the running mate of Dukakis, he was actually responsible for a famous moment, famous enough to be mentioned in a Seinfeld episode) and then did know the next few until McGoverns running mate in 72 but the actual result is 88 as that’s when I missed one

See how you go without cheating, it’s a fun game and if you can get back to WW2 an excellent party trick

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Somehow the fact that Harris and the Democrats were ultimately unwilling to have a Jew on the ticket escaped your notice. Perhaps your loyalty to the party will be rewarded with a position in the Yevsektsia.

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How do you know for a fact they were unwilling to have a Jew on the ticket? Were you in the meetings?

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Whistle past the graveyard if you want to.

Let me ask you, would give Republicans the benefit of the doubt if it was they who were accused of keeping a Jew off the ticket?

I hang out in conservative places and are there some Jew haters on the fringes of America First conservatism? Yeah, but to me they tend to be a lot more collectivist than actual conservatives. They're also a small minority when compared to the Jew-hating wing of the Democrats. They hold no influence or sway on the larger conservative movement the way the progressive Jew-hating left has on Democrats.

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So funny - that won’t have legs either when shes married to a Jewish man AND all the senators are Dems and MOST of the representatives . Like Schumer posted - that’s news to him . And for the record , they’ve had Jewish men on the presidential ticket in the past … JLieberman. Do your research .

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Actually Jewish Insider led today with the reflection that the Democrats have not been taken over by the relatively small number of far-left voters on Israel...but they are not Joe Lieberman's party anymore either because they tried to appease those voters with this pick.

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I'm sure that with a name like Kris you're no doubt an expert about Jewish opinion. She's married to a JINO. Every Jew who is serious about being Jewish knows that about him. He's "Jewface" for Kamala's leftwing agenda. He's never affiliated with any form of synagogue or temple, has no Jewish children, has married two women who aren't Jewish, and "expresses" his "Judaism" by working with leftist political groups.

I met Joe Lieberman more than once. I write about cars and one of those times was during an election year when he was at the Detroit auto show press preview. My adult son and I had a nice conversation with him. He was a mensch. He was explicit about how the Democratic party had lost its way.

Schumer is a political whore who'd serve on a Judenrat or the Yevsektsia. I have to assume that since you are so, so knowledgeable about Jewish culture and history that you know what those were, correct?

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It may have been out of turn to call for new elections in Israel but it is hardly selling out one's own people especially since Netanyahu and liberal American Jews have happily enjoyed mutual dislike for years and even Bret Stephens got sick of him.

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Liberal American Jews know almost nothing about Israeli politics, but one can say the same about their knowledge of authentic Jewish values, practices, and beliefs. They couldn't name the opposition party in Israel or the guy who heads it. All they know is that they hate Netanyahu because he's on the right and they are rigid conformists. Speaking of which, that party holds fewer seats in the parliament than Ben G'vir and Smotrich's parties do, which calls into question just how "extreme" they are.

The liberal American Jews that want the Supreme Court here to be subject to political pressure want the Israeli high court to be immune from judicial reform. It only matters to them who is in power.

It won't matter in a generation or two since liberal American Jews don't have very many Jewish grandchildren. Speaking of which, Donald Trump has more Jewish grandchildren than the guy who knocked up the nanny before he married Willie Brown's side piece.

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I would have named Lapid as the leader of the opposition and he has 24 seats. It was epochal that after having a stranglehold on Israeli politics for the first 25 years or so Labor merged with Meretz and ceased to exist but Labor represented at least pretending to care about the rest of the world. Ben-Gvir and Co. represent putting Israel on the axis of right-wing populism at best and brute force as a solution to every problem at worst. Israel could say as a matter of hasbara that Palestinian citizens of Israel (inside the 1967 borders!) have more rights than in almost every Arab country. This is something Ben-Gvir and Co. could care less about.

I read an essay on *something* having to be done about the Israeli Supreme Court by a Tikvah Fund sponsored person which was convincing but what the actual proposal was should cause revulsion in any American drilled in separation of powers.

Until very recently the American Supreme Court might not formally admit it but was subject to political pressure in the form of caring about their legitimacy because without the respect of the American people they cannot make their decisions real. Roberts clearly still has that. I am not entirely sold on any of the SCOTUS reform proposals but they represent an admission that these people are political actors chosen to project the ideological legacy of a president for decades after that person has to leave office. It's possible that with some of these proposals where whether a president picks anyone at all is not random (the president will have to pick someone) that Americans will realize that they are voting more on judicial philosophy than on specific decisions that they like.

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I guess putting a socially constructed notion of Jewishness ahead of Judaism and spirituality is hardly confined to Jews on the left.

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omg. You are a Rockstar for this post. I'm more Jewish as a gentile than my ex Jewish husband. I cannot get behind any leadership that upholds this level of open hostility to Jewish culture. I thought, in America at least, that was settled at the Beach in Normandy.

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Walz has some vulnerabilities. Minnesota ranks among the worst states for minorities, including high school graduation. Not a good look for a former school teacher. He endorses Minnesota's no-limit abortion law, creating problems for a party pushing national abortion rights.

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I actually had a HS teacher works with me in Denver say he thought MN more inclusive than a Denver- he grew up in Apple Valley and is black. We were talking about as I am moving up there in august .

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Apple Valley is an affluent suburb, and those who can afford to live there do just fine. Minnesota is a rich state, but minorities are not sharing in this prosperity, and their metrics in schools, income, and housing proves this.

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Nothing in Waltz's speech that Dezner quotes talks about any of the problems facing the country or the issues driving the election. Drezner quotes Waltz's "common sense" as follows

Some of us in here are old enough to remember – I see you down there, I see those old white guys — some of us are old enough to remember when it was Republicans who were talking about freedom. It turns out now, what they meant was the government should be free to invade your doctor’s office. In Minnesota, we respect our neighbours and the personal choices that they make. Even if we wouldn’t make the same choice for ourselves, there is a golden rule: mind your own damn business….

When the vice president and I talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make your own health care decisions. And for our children to be free to go to school without worrying they will be shot dead in their classrooms. By the way, as you heard, I was the best shot in Congress. In Minnesota, we believe in the Second Amendment. But we also believe in common sense gun laws.

Vice President Harris’ idea of freedom is for education to be that ticket to the middle class. Not crippling debt. Air that is clean. Water that is pure. Communities that are safe. A place where we settle our political differences not through violence, but with our votes. And that is what this election is about. What direction will this country go in? We’re not going back….

I just have to say it. You know it. You feel it. These guys are creepy, and, yes, just weird as hell. That’s what you see. That’s what you see.

Three issues are driving this election: inflation, crime, and immigration. Nothing in that speech directly addresses any of those issues. Sorry but platitudes about "children being safe from guns at school" doesn't answer the mail. There is not a single idea or solution or even admission there is a problem in that. That is not common sense. That is bullshit and anyone listening to it knows that.

As far as this "they are creepy" nonsense, Trump and Vance are going to shove that up his lily-white ass. Waltz is a creepy acting old white guy who thinks tampons should be in the boys bathrooms in schools and 9 year old children should be having sex change operations. I don't think he wants to go down the "creepy" road. Forget the Presidential debate, they need to get Vance and this weirdo on the same stage. Waltz has been a governor and has a cemetery full of skeletons in his closet.

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Yeah, you're right, no one cares about guns in school. Keep trying!

P.S.: I had to break it to you but inflation, crime, and (i presume you mean) illegal immigration are all trending in the desired directions. Good luck in November!

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Waltz says nothing specific and nothing of substance. Are such shallow thinker that you find it compelling or do you think the public is so stupid that they will?

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So a few things:

1) Inflation has declined so much that last month consumer prices dropped: https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/us-consumer-prices-unexpectedly-fall-june-2024-07-11/

2) Um... the stock market did not crash yesterday. In fact it went up: https://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory/major-us-stock-indexes-fared-tuesday-862024-112621811

3) Yes, you are indeed badly misinformed.

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You sound …. Triggered . Do you have Walz derangement syndrome ?

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Love the commentary and insights - thanks 👊🏻😎

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